Ambiguity: Davies argues that ‘over-specification of outcomes for the purpose of measurement can be counter-productive in art and design’. I’ve valued the ambiguity of the UAL assessment criteria because it provides tools for assessing a diverse mix of Y3 essay submissions. Yet Davies doesn’t note awarding gaps and the impact that certain kinds of ambiguity can have on students from ethnic minority backgrounds – for example, when staff’s resistance to over-specification can enable their biases to inform their expectations of students and accordingly, their feedback to them (Sabri, 2017).
Boundaries(?): Davies highlights that, ‘for art and design students, formulating and finding their own quarry is an essential part of the discovery process’ however ‘they do, nevertheless, need to know the ‘landscape’ and the ‘boundaries’ when they are in full pursuit.’ This word ‘boundaries’ also appears in Sabri’s (2017, p. 16) UAL-focused research: ‘How a tutor responds to a student’s work creates boundaries and proscribes what students come to believe is worthwhile work’. Sabri doesn’t completely reject the idea of boundaries, but recognises they can have negative connotations for students. To balance Davies and Sabri’s concerns, can students be supported by staff in creating their own boundaries?
Many Y3 students struggle with the breadth of essay options, and find it difficult to connect terms like ‘analysis’ with what they want to write about. How can I resist over-specifying intended learning outcomes for students in their approach to building their Y3 research project, while enabling them to create their own “boundaries”, which can make their research more manageable and support their demonstration of ‘critical analysis’, as well as ‘clarity and depth’, in line with the assessment criteria?
Davies, A. (2012) Learning outcomes and assessment criteria in art and design. What’s the recurring problem? Available at: (Accessed: 25/01/23).
Sabri, D. (2017) Students’ Experience of Identity and Attainment at UAL. Available at: (Accessed: 25/01/23).