Hi all!

My name is Joel. I’m a lecturer with an interest in how socially engaged art practice can empower communities in contexts of social and environmental change.

I originally studied Fine Art, and have been based in the BA Fine Art department at Chelsea College of Art for the last 4 years – where I work as a Y3 Writing Tutor. In 2020, I aimed to build on my role as an educator of urban issues by studying part-time to become an urban planner. I hope to balance my teaching alongside my ambition to support community-led housing projects. 

I applied to the PgCert because I found myself teaching without ever having had theoretically informed conversations about my approach. My lectures draw attention to the coloniality of contemporary urban spatial processes and how artists develop decolonial modes of reclaiming and producing space within city contexts. I want to understand how my teaching practice can reflect my concern with decolonial ways of thinking and doing – from the kinds of language I use in everyday conversations with students, to the way I facilitate more formal learning environments.

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