Post 2: Building on Post 1 for microteaching session plan
I’ve mentioned previously that many Y3 students find the notion of ‘analysis’ hard to square in the context of Fine Art research. Analysis can be informed by how one approaches their research theme. I’m going to use the microteaching session as a testing ground for something I want to explore with the Y3 students during…
Post 1: Ambiguity and Boundaries: Reading Davies (2012) and Sabri (2017) for 25/01/23 PgCert session
Ambiguity: Davies argues that ‘over-specification of outcomes for the purpose of measurement can be counter-productive in art and design’. I’ve valued the ambiguity of the UAL assessment criteria because it provides tools for assessing a diverse mix of Y3 essay submissions. Yet Davies doesn’t note awarding gaps and the impact that certain kinds of ambiguity…
Hi all!
My name is Joel. I’m a lecturer with an interest in how socially engaged art practice can empower communities in contexts of social and environmental change. I originally studied Fine Art, and have been based in the BA Fine Art department at Chelsea College of Art for the last 4 years – where I work…